cyclenext – a script to monitor taskwarrior tasks continously


Update: I implemented the script in python (I still did not figure out how to calculate the task limit porperly). Check out the github project.

I’m using taskwarrior for about 19 months now, during that time I logged about 1000 tasks. Even during those times where I did not live full time on the command line it served me well and never got in the way: Once it output the task I asked for return to the bash prompt and I could carry on with whatever I wanted to do.

This also means that there is no continous view of all the tasks at hand, a feature that I found useful at some times. The naive approach to achieve this would be a bash command like this:

for ( (;;) ) do clear; task next rc.gc=off; sleep 5; done

If you ever did something like this, you know that this leads to unpleasant (because irritating) screen flicker every 5 seconds (or whatever you set the delay to). This is the reason why I hacked together the first iteration of a simple script I called „cyclenext“. After I finally switched to taskwarrior version 2.2.0 I wanted to share this with everybody who is interested.


Nothing fancy there: First edit the location of your taskwarrior „“ file and then use it like this:

cyclenext <filter>

where can be everything from „next“ to more complex filters like „ready project:worldpeace prio:h“. Press <ctrl>+<c> (or <cmd>+<c>) to end cyclenext. Weiterlesen